How to Make Efficient Use of Container Space When Arranging Shipments
Created At: 2022-03-28

The previous article talked about the common shipping companies and their advantages on the Middle East route. In this article, we provide an in-depth analysis of the specific process of thinking about booking a container when you have a completed shipment by giving practical examples.

First of all, we need to understand the common container sizes

Commonly used containers are 20ft container, 40ft container and 40ft high container.

The dimensions of a 20' container are 20' in length (approx. 6.1m), 8' in width (approx. 2.44m) and 8.5' in height (approx. 2.6m).

The 40' tall cabinet measures 40' in length (approx. 12.2m), 8' in width (approx. 2.44m) and 8.5' in height (approx. 2.6m).

40' highboard dimensions are 40' in length (approx. 12.2m), 8' in width (approx. 2.44m) and 9.5' in height (approx. 2.9m) .

These data above are the outer dimensions of the container. But in the actual loading of the container, we consider how much volume a container can hold, from the internal dimensions of the cabinet to account for. The internal dimensions of three different types of containers are as follows.

20 feet of general container inner length, width and height are 6 meters, 2.35 meters, 2.39 meters, theoretical loading volume of 33CBM, the actual volume of goods control in 28CBM or so.

The internal length, width and height of a 40ft container are 12m, 2.35m and 2.39m respectively, with a theoretical loading volume of 67CBM and an actual cargo volume of around 58CBM.

The internal length, width and height of the 40ft tall container are 12m, 2.35m and 2.7m respectively, with a theoretical loading volume of 76CBM and an actual cargo volume control of around 68CBM.

There would be differences between the theoretical loading volume and the actual cargo volume , because the container internal is not a regular rectangular body and the edge of it will have a door pillar and so on affect the loading volume.

Remember the container interior data above, as we will use these dimensions later on how to use the container space efficiently.

Next, calculate the volume of the goods and choose the type of cabinet.

For better understanding, we give 3 practical examples to talk about the choice of cabinets.

Example 1: There are currently 1300 boxes of completed wall switches waiting to be shipped. The outer box dimensions are 24cm x 36cm x 24cm and the gross weight of the box is 10KG.

It is easy to calculate from the above data that the total volume of the whole shipment is 26.9CBM and the total gross weight is 13 tons. Then we can choose to take the 20ft container. As mentioned before, the actual volume of a 20ft general cargo container can be around 28CBM, so you don't need to worry about the problem of not being able to fit in a 26.9, and it is very suitable to order a 20ft general cargo container (20GP) directly.

Likewise, if the total volume of your cargo is just in line with the 40ft common container (40GP) and 40ft high container (40HQ), you can book the container directly according to the whole container.

The total cargo weight limit for 20ft general cargo (20GP) is 21 tons, for 40ft general cargo (40GP) is 24 tons and for 40ft high cargo (40HQ) is 28 tons.

Example 2: The same shipment of wall switches, in the same packaging, with outer box dimensions of 24cmx36cmx24cm and gross box weight of 10KG.

Again, we first calculate the total volume and total gross weight of the goods, total volume 24x36x24x3238/1000000=67CBM,total gross weight 10X3238/1000=32 tons. In terms of volume, we can order a 40ft high container (40HQ), but in terms of weight, it exceeds the 40HQ weight limit of 28 tonnes, so we cannot take 40HQ.

Assuming that the total volume does not exceed the limit, then we can go 40HQ, from the volume point of view, 67CBM has been very close to the limit volume 68CBM, so we need to arrange their own packing method on paper beforehand, here we need to use the container size mentioned earlier.

Let's see, 40 feet high container (40GP) internal length, width and height of 12 meters, 2.35 meters, 2.7 meters, cargo single box size 24cmx36cmx24cm, assuming that the goods must be placed, can not be inverted.

So let's look at option one.

Container height 2.7m, cargo outer box height 24cm, then the height can be stacked on 11 layers.

Container length 12 m, cargo outer box length 36 cm one side corresponds, then row 33 rows.

Container width 2.35m, cargo outer box width 24cm one side corresponds, then row 9.

To sum up, the total arrangement of goods in scheme one is 11x33x9 = 3267 boxes.

Then look at option two.

Container height 2.7 m, the height of the outer box of goods 24 cm, then the height can be stacked on 11 layers. (cannot be inverted, so there is only one way of placing in height)

Container length 12 m, cargo outer box length 24 cm one side corresponds, then row 50 rows.

Container width 2.35m, cargo outer box width 36cm one side corresponds, then 6 rows. In summary, the total arrangement of goods in option 2 is 11x50x6 = 3300 boxes.

From the above two options we can see that option two of the packing scheme is better than option one, its packing efficiency is higher.

However, then in practice, pay attention to whether the actual size of the outer box of goods is different from the size of the production. This is because after loading the goods, the outer box can easily bulge out, so that the actual size is slightly larger than the production size, thus affecting the calculated data.

Example 3, still the same batch of goods, the packaging remains the same, this time the number of boxes is 2000, the outer box dimensions are 24cmx36cmx24cm length, width and height respectively, the gross weight of the outer box is 10KG.

Let's also calculate the total volume of goods: 24x36x24x2000/1000000=41CBM.

41CBM is obviously not very compatible with the volume of the whole container. We can consider the following options.

Option 1: Go for a small container and the rest of the cargo goes for a bulk consolidation container.

We can start with a small container according to 28CBM estimate, and the remaining 13CBM will go with other cargoes of the same destination port.

The cost of consolidation is expensive compared to the whole container shipment, and in the process of loading and unloading, it is easy to produce uncontrollable risk of loss and damage.

Option 2: all take bulk cargo containerization.

All bulk cargo can ensure that the goods are a batch of shipments, at the same time to the port, to facilitate the inventory of the number of goods and the entire order of logistics control, but need to wait for other goods with the same destination port together, not every time there can be a container of goods, so, sometimes the container waiting time will be longer.

Option 3: If you know the exact size of the outer container in advance, then, when placing an order, place the order in accordance with the number of full containers.

Many large importers will collect the data of 20GP, 40GP, 40HQ from suppliers, so that they can place orders according to the number of full containers.

Finally, with the above thoughts on which container type to take for different volumes of cargo, we can choose the freight forwarder and shipping company to book the freight space.

Now, because of the epidemic, containers are hard to find. In such a situation, in order not to affect the sales plan, importers friends need to inform the supplier to book 1 month in advance, in case of when the goods are completed, there is no shipping space for a long time, affecting the outbound transport.

Through the above case study, believe you must have some ideas about how to calculate a batch of goods out of the need to book a container type. If you have any problems about goods, welcome to consult us, and we will provide the optimization of shipping suggestions based on your specific data.

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