How to Design The Packaging? It Is Closely Related to The Price of Products.
Created At: 2022-09-16

When a product is under trade, the product here is not only the product itself but also the packaging. Very often, the packaging of a product will change the target group for the sale of the product itself, the selling method, of course, the selling price. As an importer of international trade, sometimes you cannot see the packaging before the order is produced, but how do you avoid the impact of packaging on your orders?

The quotation content affects the price

All orders are based on product quotations, except for exhibitions, and international trade is rarely face-to-face based on physical quotations to confirm the price. So based on the supplier's quotation emails, comparing multiple suppliers' quotations is the first step. But although the product you are asking for is the same, the suppliers are not unique in the way they quote. So the price comparison must be based on the same conditions, otherwise, it doesn't make much sense.

1. The quotation without packaging

If the appearance and configuration of the product are described in the quotation, it is important to pay attention to the packaging under the quotation. Many suppliers use low prices to attract customers, and may not indicate the packaging in the quotation. So, although the supplier’s price has the advantage, in the further conversation, he will inform the packaging price is calculated separately, the original price is based on bare products only.

2. The quotation only includes simple packaging

There is also the case where the low-price quotation includes only the most basic simple packaging, which of course may or may not be described in the quotation. In a subsequent order confirmation, you can request better packaging, but of course, the price of the product increases. The final product price may be even more expensive than the others.

Of course, you may think that you can quickly choose the next company if the supplier asks for a price increase for the packaging, but when you think about it, do you really want to waste communication time costs to keep changing suppliers? So, if this information is identified early in the quote process, it can reduce a lot of waste. Of course, the packaging is just one of the points to note in the quote comparison, there are also payment methods, delivery dates, warranty time, liability recognition and so on.

The packaging design affects the price of the product

Packaging has an indispensable impact on price, but how to avoid possible pitfalls is the most important.

If the initial price of the product meets your expectations, then you can focus on the actual packaging requirements. Packaging requirements vary from customer to customer. If the product is for engineering use, the packaging requirements will not be high because their end customers will only see the final presentation of the product inside. But if the product is used for retail, then more will require a beautiful color box, internal instructions, various small labels, etc. After all, the packaging is also a key point that many consumers will be attracted to when selecting products.

So first of all, thinking based on your target customer's needs is the first step to asking for packaging. Secondly, many suppliers' prices can appeal to you because the packaging they offer under the offer is the most basic packaging, maybe a white inner box with a label, a yellow box with black printing, a plastic seal with a sticker and so on. Based on the simple packaging, if you want to make colored boxes or colored stickers, add some labelling stickers and so on, the supplier will ask for a price increase based on your actual packaging needs. The price increase may be higher than the actual packaging change, as this is one of the ways to increase the overall profitability of the product. The reason for asking for a price increase is that the supplier will feel that you have already paid a lot of time costs and will not easily change to a new supplier because of the packaging costs.

  • Black letter printed outer boxes change to colored outer boxes.

  • Excessive color variety in the design of colored outer boxes.

  • The addition of aluminum or self-adhesive stickers to the product or outer box.

  • Add the content of instruction pages.

  • Change of product from multiple to single packaging.

  • Change packing material, blister boxes, non-woven bags, nylon bags, etc.

  • Upgraded specifications for the outer box corrugated paper.

  • Different packaging requirements can affect the MOQ and overall price.

Unless the supplier feels that you have a large order quantity or are a very potential customer to work with to keep the quote unchanged, only then will the packaging change according to your needs.

So, when screening quotes don't single out the low price, but compare the product configuration and packaging under the price and communicate with the supplier in advance the estimated increase in cost for the change in packaging. At the same time, choose a suitable and cost-effective packaging method according to the sales target.

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